Thompson Smg Bb Gun -airsoft -softair

Thompson Smg Bb Gun -airsoft -softair



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Posted 29 March 2011 - 05:22 PM

Cost reduced on 17 JUN 2011 from $2500 to $2000 for everything.

Instead of taking a bunch of pictures, I fabricated 4 videos. Delight DO Not get posting them on youtube (I will exist deleting them later on the guns are sold). I know that I said "pancake suppressor" instead of "compressor" only I had just finished cleaning a suppressor right before making this video and had "suppressor on the encephalon", so please refrain from the "what the hell is a pancake suppressor" posts. dry.gif Likewise, I'm not sure if the metal is aluminum or not, merely that's my guess. What is included is 2 guns, almost 50lbs of #2 chilled lead shot (one sealed 25lb sack and one "cookie can" full of nearly 25lbs), over a thousand red star targets (still in wrapper), and most 20 or so loading tubes (I definitely have ane, only I am looking for the box that has the others amid the vast amount of clutter that accumulated in the dorsum room of my house... these will send later on at my expense if I cannot find them in time to ship them with everything else). I am asking $2000 for everything (price reduced from $2500.) Aircraft and insurance will be at price (probably effectually $100 or so, but will work out the verbal toll from the post office depending on where you live). BOTH of these guns DO role properly. Whatever questions, please enquire, merely please view the videos first to get an overall idea about both guns. Besides, if anyone knows what a pancake suppressor is, please let me know. troll.gif


Gun 1 exterior: http://smg.photobuck...urrent=BB_1.mp4

Gun 1 inside: http://smg.photobuck...urrent=BB_2.mp4

Gun 2 exterior: http://smg.photobuck...urrent=BB_3.mp4

Gun ii inside: http://smg.photobuck...urrent=BB_4.mp4

Edited by steeltoe1978, 22 June 2011 - 08:47 PM.

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#2 philasteen


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Posted 30 March 2011 - 01:12 PM

steeltoe, a fantastic package and wish I had the scratch just I recently bought two Thompsons that shoot hot lead and am a little strapped.

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#three 60 Gunner

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 04:41 PM


I just desire the big stuffed bear that I spend a ton of cash trying to win for my gal with those one dark.

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#4 james m

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Posted 30 March 2011 - 05:50 PM

Flake of trivia here if these were the blazon where the goal was to shoot all of the "10" out of the target to win. My understanding is these took regular .177 Bulletin board system but the bore was much larger. In effect you were trying to accurately shoot with what was essentially a shotgun firing one pellet at a time!

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#5 steeltoe1978


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Posted xxx March 2011 - 06:44 PM

Flake of trivia here if these were the blazon where the goal was to shoot all of the "X" out of the target to win. My understanding is these took regular .177 Bbs merely the bore was much larger. In effect you were trying to accurately shoot with what was substantially a shotgun firing one pellet at a time!

These guns burn down #two chilled lead shot, which is smaller than .177 BBs (the shot is typically used for loading shotgun shells as well). They burn down fully automatic and hold about 100 rounds each. The bore is the size of the BB... the "Cutts compensator" looking matter on the cease is not the diameter of the barrel... it goes over it and just makes it look more than similar a Thompson. The loading tubes are contumely and came cut to length to hold 100 rounds each. 100 rounds volition only last for a few bursts until you're out of BBs... depending on what PSI you're using (120 PSI or so is recommended) and how well your trigger control is. I'd estimate well-nigh 10BBs are fired with every quick pull of the trigger, but over again, they are full automatic then yous can just hold the trigger down and blast all 100 out with one pull. The trick was to attempt to choice away at the points of the star and non worry nearly the middle until last, or cutting a pigsty around the star. Cutting the target in half did not count (I did this a few times thinking I would be artistic). A pic of the target is shown below. Most of the time, just one tiny, pin-head sized piece of one of the points of the star would be left (hiding and barely attached on the back of the target due to being pushed through by a bb), and the carnie would say that y'all didn't shoot it all out. A few 1000 of these targets are included and so you can do all day long. :-) These things will absolutely chew autonomously an empty soda can, your wife'due south nice china set, unsuspecting pocket-size animals, pesky neighbor kids, etc. I was thinking about making a hopper that immune for more than Bulletin board system to exist held in the dorsum so that you're not limited to 100, merely I take other projects that I desire to movement on to, and it'due south fourth dimension to allow these become to someone else who volition appreciate them.

Edited by steeltoe1978, 30 March 2011 - 06:53 PM.

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#six steeltoe1978


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Posted thirty March 2011 - 07:26 PM

steeltoe, a fantastic bundle and wish I had the scratch but I recently bought two Thompsons that shoot hot atomic number 82 and am a piffling strapped.

I completely sympathize. Thanks for the answer!

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#vii steeltoe1978


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Posted xxx March 2011 - 07:29 PM


I just want the big stuffed bear that I spend a ton of cash trying to win for my gal with those one night.

Me too... well, that and the girl that I was trying to win information technology for at the fourth dimension. :-)

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#8 reconbob


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Posted 30 March 2011 - 07:31 PM

When I was a kid (late 1950'due south) my mom used to take u.s. to Willow Grove Park
in suburban Philadelphia - a famous amusement park (John Phillip Sousa played
there often) where almost of
the rides and buildings had been congenital by the 1920's. By then it was pretty run downwards
but even so very popular. They had a carnival area that had a booth with these BB guns.
They did non accept the paper targets but a variety of metal targets - moving ducks,
spinning stars, bells, etc. My favorite were little battleships sitting in water considering
the BB's fabricated footling splashes all around. When you lot hit them they cruel down, but the
operator could re-gear up them all by pulling on a cable. This is a good memory...a lot
unlike than todays virtual entertainment. Who would accept thought years later I'd
actually be making the real thing...


Edited by reconbob, thirty March 2011 - 07:31 PM.

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#nine steeltoe1978


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Posted 30 March 2011 - 07:44 PM

When I was a kid (belatedly 1950's) my mom used to accept u.s.a. to Willow Grove Park
in suburban Philadelphia - a famous entertainment park (John Phillip Sousa played
in that location frequently) where most of
the rides and buildings had been congenital by the 1920'due south. By then information technology was pretty run downwards
but still very pop. They had a funfair surface area that had a booth with these BB guns.
They did not accept the paper targets but a diversity of metal targets - moving ducks,
spinning stars, bells, etc. My favorite were trivial battleships sitting in h2o because
the BB's fabricated petty splashes all effectually. When you hit them they brutal down, but the
operator could re-gear up them all by pulling on a cablevision. This is a good retentiveness...a lot
different than todays virtual entertainment. Who would have idea years afterwards I'd
actually be making the real thing...


That sounds like a darn adept fourth dimension! I have only seen the paper target version, and other than that my favorite shooting gallery has also been the "light guns" gallery like the former one that I think is still at Ocean City MD. I always liked shooting the target on the pianoforte player mannequin and making it play. Having one of those ranges in my business firm is on my "win the lottery" to-do list (which will probably never happen, only it'south fun to dream).

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#10 copdoc



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Posted 30 March 2011 - 08:04 PM


My favorite were little battleships sitting in water

me too

I think these are the aforementioned guns they used in Myrtle Beach in the late 50s -60s with the ducks and boats moving through water in the gallery. I was about 5 the last time I recollect shooting ane and did not have the fire command them that I have now. They were a lot of fun and it was about every bit much fun shooting the water as the ducks and boats.

I'll take to add one to the lotto list besides.

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#xi ACBurke


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Posted 30 March 2011 - 08:33 PM

Put me on the list if the original folks can't or don't put it together.

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#12 wwiifirearms


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Posted 30 March 2011 - 08:50 PM

I am going to permit someone else jump on this deal. They are super cool, pretty rare, and priced right. I bought an m1c terminal weekend and looking at a Sten this weekend. Too many toys this calendar month.

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#13 jl7422


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Posted 30 March 2011 - 08:56 PM

Please add me to the listing also.


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#14 steeltoe1978


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 05:15 PM

Put me on the list if the original folks can't or don't put information technology together.

Added. Thank you!

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#15 steeltoe1978


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 05:16 PM

Please add me to the list as well.

thank you,

Added. Thank y'all!

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#16 steeltoe1978


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Posted 08 April 2011 - 03:03 PM

ACBurke, you're next on the list. PM sent via forum mail.

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#17 steeltoe1978


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Posted xiii April 2011 - x:57 AM

jl7422 contacted.

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Posted 13 April 2011 - 02:44 PM

They apply to have some of these BB guns along with the star targets at the Circus Circus casino in Las Vegas, NV. when I was a kid, I never won simply I tried a lot, Back so I never dreamed I would ever own a real one,

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#19 21 smoker

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Posted 14 April 2011 - 06:06 AM

Growing upward in Chitown,experiencing anything` gunfun` was rare for me,..only a trip to Riverview amusement park would outset me on a lifelong firearm love thing. The shooting arcade that had pneumatic Browning 1919 clones that were fed by overhead plastic tubes of ballbearings and blasting floating plastic ducks and moving groundwork targets,all the while carney workers hanging on the sides of the pool pushing the floating targets to the center and getting in the line burn(sometimes),just ruined me for life!... rolleyes.gif

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#xx steeltoe1978


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Posted 17 June 2011 - 10:09 AM

Back to Summit... due to price reduction.

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Thompson Smg Bb Gun -airsoft -softair

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